Biggest Lessons that the Corporate World Taught Me

What are the Biggest Lessons in the corporate world;

Some lessons I learned from my corporate life during my tenure. These are the Biggest Lessons that the Corporate World Taught Me!

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Biggest Lessons in corporate life: 

● Not to share your family or any other personal problem at the workplace.  Nobody is your friend at Corporate World, even the guys you eat lunch with every noon.

● Hardly focus on adopting the latest skills that apply to your field. This will help you sustain your arena 

● Try to attend all the technical training you are offered by your employer. These may really costly!

● Never send emails late at night or over the weekends thinking that people will get impressed. This really worthless

● Make connections everywhere, not just in your own department. You never know how much longer you’ll stray in this company. That will save your life when you are laid off or want to change your existing employer.

● Never get delayed to provide feedback on your year-end assessments. No matter how hard you have worked or the value you added, you may treat average as assessed by reporting Boss.
● Make a genuine effort to help others who need some help from you specific to your knowledge Or skill. Always be cordial enough to train your subordinate & colleague to do your job to avoid any pending work in your absence.

● Never use offensive words in any written communication that is the evidence of your unprofessional behavior and be used against you.

● Don’t fear failure and rejection. Every successful person goes through life hearing yes or no all of the time in his career. You have to get through a lot of no’s in the corporate world. Use the no’s to re-construct your idea until you get the yes.

● Be proactive always. Look for the things others aren’t going to do or are not willing to do but this is really needed. It may impact your salary, promotion as well as job security.

● Good workers aren't better at their jobs they're better at looking better at their jobs

● Everyone is replaceable in the Corporate World 

● You are in tacit competition with your colleagues

● Change is cyclical and almost always useless

 Politics is everything, don't take it personally!

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