Business Negotiation Tactics to Get the Best Deal with Global Customer

Business Negotiation Tactics to Get the Best Deal with Global Customers:

Here is below tactics for negotiation to get the best deal in global business. Master Negotiators should know these rules to get the best deal in global business.

Tactics for Negotiation for Master negotiator_07 Steps:

1. Everything is Negotiable all of the time:
Master Negotiator knows well ''everything is negotiable all of the time''
They give up too easily; they do not understand that this is a tactic. Many attributes are related to making a skillful negotiator, including having a good memory, being 'quick verbally', and handling stress well But effectiveness is as much a matter of attitude as it is of ability. The best negotiators exhibit four key habits of thought that everyone, regardless of their style or IQ can adapt to improve their negotiation results.

2. Evaluate Leverage & find multiple solutions: 
The first basic skill of smart negotiating is an evaluation of the leverage factors at work, plus the ability to apply leverage when it's in your favor and make do when it's not. Leverage is negotiating power, It is the gas in your tank. you have no leverage, you are at the mercy of your opponent. Master Negotiators understand leverage. They know how to develop it and use maximum advantage. When you offer your product/service to the marketplace, if you call your customer to get sell it then you may not have leverage but if your customer calls you to get the product/service you should have strong leverage. Leverage is wonderful, but if you don't use you will probably lose it.
Master Negotiators also explore options based on their leverage. They know that there are usually a number of workable solutions to the problems. Effective negotiators care about being fair & assertive about their goals. They push the other party to find, the best solutions, not just the simplest compromises

3. Develop a flexible Negotiation plan:
Master Negotiators develop strategies for each phase of the negotiation process: opening, middle game, and end game. He is like a chess player when at the negotiation table knowing how an opponent may going to start. They understand that, from there, strategies have to be flexible because how their opponents respond to opening offers is unpredictable. Nevertheless, they plan ahead as much as possible. Freund suggests the following simple format for developing a negotiating plan:
Master Negotiator always develops a closing strategy. He knows whether he wants to close sooner rather than later and whether wants extensive documentation or if an outline of the deal will do.

4. Understand Lines of communication:
Without lines of communication, there can be no negotiation. Therefore, this rule is essential. Lines of communication are the lifeblood of a negotiation. Master negotiators understand this, but novices do not. Novice Negotiators often focus on static elements of the problem.
Master Negotiators nurture their lines of communication. Where lines are weak seek to develop new lines. To get effective negotiation results, establish rapport with your opponent. The norm in a negotiation there may be three simple codes of conduct.

  1. You must be trustworthy and reliable...
  2. You should be fair to those who are fair to you.
  3. You should let others know about it when you think they treated you unfairly. 

5. Be cooperative, but don't let your guard down:
Statistics show that cooperative negotiators are more effective than competitive negotiators. To negotiate well, you do not need to be so much tricky. But it helps to be alert and prudent. The Master negotiators always play straight, ask the opponent a lot of questions, listen mindfully, and value other party wants to accomplish at the bargaining table."

6: Listen, Listen & Listen:
Best negotiators ask questions, test for understanding, summarize discussions, and listen, listen, listen...
Listen actively and acknowledge what is being said. Standard techniques of good listening are to pay close attention to what is said, to ask the other party to clearly clarify exactly what exactly they need, and request to repeat the things if there found any uncertainty. Unless you acknowledge what they are saying and demonstrate that you understand them, they may believe you have not heard them.

 7. Strive for "Wise agreement & Emotional closure"
Any Method of negotiation is most likely judged by these three criteria.
It should finally become a wise agreement. It must be efficient enough 
Finally, it should not damage the relationship with the opponent
Master Negotiators know how to close emotionally. Always Thankful to Your client for choosing you to do their business with.

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